is my take on the famous “Prodigal Son” parable and put it into a current,
western cultural context. Please add your comments in the box at the end of
this blog; feedback is important that is the best way for me to share your
comments with others. Names used are made up; any resemblance to a real
person’s name is coincidental.
Jack Cohen never graduated High School but
inherited his dad’s farm. He was able, through hard work, diligence and support
of his lovely wife Lisa, to build it into a very large enterprise. He was a God
fearing man and the blessings from above were obviously on this business. Jack
and Lisa had two sons. Michael had a BA in agriculture and an MBA. He was
working for his dad, helping run the farm. Jake was the younger brother,
hanging out in the dorm at college, studying Liberal Arts, in other words he
had no idea of what he wanted to do with his life. Like so many of us in the
late 1960’s his mantra was “sex, drugs and rockin’ roll.”With failing grades and a really bad attitude, Jake decided to quit school and “go find himself.” When he gets home for Christmas break he tells his parents his hair brained plan, “Mom & Dad, please give me whatever money you would leave me in your wills right now. I want to go out on my own and see what I can find for my miserable life. College was just not for me.” Sadly, his parents give in to him and say, “OK Jake, if that’s what you are sure you want, here you go. I think you are making a big mistake but we will give you $500,000 to invest in your life. Let’s see what you can do with it.”
Jake takes off for the city. With that much money he rents an expensive apartment, connects with drug dealers and pimps and stumbles into a destructive lifestyle, very different than how he was raised. Not wanting to lie to his parents about what he was doing he never, contacts them. They have no idea where he is. He even blocked their numbers from is iPhone. Between the drugs, women and some gambling the money runs out in about a year. Jake gets evicted and finds himself homeless. He is now holding up the “Will work for food” sign and freezing his butt off on the cold northern city sidewalk. Another homeless guy offers to share some pickled pig’s feet and half a cigarette he found in the gutter.
"What am I doin'?" Jake exclaims, my daddy has more than 1,000 cows on our big farm, what am I doin' eating this deadly Yuck and begging for liqueur money? I guess I found myself and I stink. I wasted a fortune and feel so ashamed and miserable. It's time to stick out my thumb, hitchhike home and become a farm hand for my dad; at least I’ll eat good while taking care of those stinkin’ cows. I don't know what he will say but there is nothing to loose.
While Jake was throwing is life and money away, Jack and Lisa were heartbroken and praying most of the time. Michael married and built his large nice house very close to his parents' place.
After a few days on the road Jake was tired, hungry, dirty and smelly, but for the first time in his life he was confident he made the right decision, no matter what would happen.
Lisa was working in the kitchen, fixing dinner and, as she did continuously since Jake left, was looking out the window for her son. Jack was out in the barn, finishing up and for waiting for dinner. His cell phone goes off, Lisa is yelling, Jack! Jack!! Jack!!! Look down the road, look down the road!! Jack walks out of the barn, and starts running as fast as his old body could move. Lisa starts calling all the family and farm hands, soon there's a crowd of people running to the road.
Jack gets to Jake first and doesn't give Jake a chance to speak; he is so excited to see his boy. He is just hugging his tight and telling him how much he missed him. Lisa joins them in the long embrace then calls the best restaurant in town to make reservations for a big party.
After the long walk down the lane to the house, Jake goes up to his old room and finds it just as he left it, only cleaned up. He sits on the bed and starts crying his eyes out. Such undeserved love and welcome blows his mind and touches a deep place in his heart that he hid from for a few years. Jack struggles to regain enough composure to get a shower and clean clothes on for this big dinner in a fancy restaurant. On the way there Jake finally gets to work through his tears and say what has been on his heart since that evening at the gutter. His dad assures him of love and forgiveness, and not to worry about where we go from here, we'll deal with that latter. Jake feels the weight of all his "young and dumb screw ups” fall off his back.
They all were having a great time at the restaurant, everyone excited to see “the kid” back and all kind of awe struck at the love and forgiveness shown by Jack. Jack suddenly realizes there is no sign of Michael or Carry, Michael’s wife. Lisa calls him and gets a gruff "I'll talk to dad latter."
Michael's discussion with Jack was not too pleasant. Michael felt slighted and unappreciated. His father's attitude towards his brother really bothered him, after all his efforts and education did a great deal to build the business and he was never celebrated like this. Jack's response was so perfect, "son, in all this time, anything you've wanted could have been yours. You're brother was really messed up and now it looks like he wants to get right and become part of the family again and you complain? God has answered our prayers for Jake and you should have enjoyed the celebration with us. I suggest you get over it and learn to love your brother again